Power your peace with songs that do good things for your life.
Hear samples below from the album: Celebrate Your Well Being

What Each Song Can Do For You
In Between Spaces helps you to “stop a while and notice the sun, the sky, and the roses,” in the “in-between spaces” of your life.
Based on Gandhi’s wise words, Let Me Be the Change is an inspiring anthem song about sharing your love and being the change you wish to see.
Useful for relaxation and healing, India Taylor’s song Sanctuary helps you create space for inner peace, wherever you are.
With Native American-influenced sounds and empowering lyrics, India’s song Rainmaker reminds you that even when you wander the so-called desert spaces of your life, “You can make a flower grow out of anything in your soul!”
You are a hero on a journey! India’s song Souvenir is about keeping “souvenirs” in your heart of the treasures of your road.
Thank You for My Freedom affirms you are free to create the changes you want in your life, and in your day.
It’s Gonna Be All Right provides the strength of a mother’s wisdom in a song.
My Abundance Tree gets you grooving on joy, peace, and love, with a Beatles-meet-Grateful-Dead kind of sound.
The Attitudes song helps you feel positive, comforted, and even strangely blessed, no matter the circumstances, based on a New Testament text – called the Beatitudes.
The Attitudes - (a beatitudes song)
Audio PlayerOne Prayer at a Time is a song with deep healing words that focus on human relationships, forgiveness, and restoring inner balance.
When I Claim Who I Am helps you walk through doors you thought were closed using your faith and vision.
Wings of Butterflies is a song with a rejuvenating message: I’m gonna love the new day, celebrate who I am, and how far I’ve come.
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