Have you ever felt like Cat Woman, kissed a frog prince (or frog princess), or followed your inner “gypsy’s heart?” India Taylor’s humorous, passionate jazzy rock/blues album “Mosaic” will delight your imagination.

Why you might enjoy each song:
Thief in the Night has a humorous plot about putting on your shades, pulling your detective hat down low, and busting that thief who stole your heart (since the cops won’t arrest ’em.) This song is finger-snapping jazz that sounds like “the Pink Panther Theme meets ‘Fever’ by Peggy Lee!”
Thief in the Night
Emerald Eyed Cat is a fun fantasy song about the inner Cat Woman in every woman. This tune rocks out, with a passionate, vivacious vocal melody that sounds like old Heart.
Emerald Eyed Cat
Like Texas Weather is a song about a woman who finds the courage to leave a domestic violence situation. Whether the abuse is physical or emotional, “she can’t save her love for another rainy day.” This moving journey in song won first place in an Austin Songwriters Group lyric competition.
Like Texas Weather
21st Century World is a humorous song about coping with technology in a changing world, whether you hang up on computerized sales calls or have a clone who takes your money and your DNA. Sounds like “Cyndi Lauper meets the GoGos.”
21st Century World
Gypsy’s Heart is a beautiful escape out the window of your dreams, for times when your spirit seeks new adventures or just wants to dance in the moonlight. This song sounds like old Heart.
Gypsy's Heart
Frogs in Princes’ Clothing: If you kissed your handsome prince (or princess) but then he/she turned into a frog, this jazzy number is for you! The fancy amphibian named “Jack” in this song wears a top hat, has a cool lakefront pad, and a turtleshell yacht!
Frogs in Princes' Clothing
You’ve Got Me Goin’ Crazy is a stirring, sensuous Santana-like soundscape, complete with congas, inviting you to the romantic dance of love.
You've Got Me Goin' Crazy
Still in Love is a song for anyone who loved their grandmother, especially if she had an unspoken romantic heart. “Grandma took care of the family; never talked much about herself. She let me wear her lipstick and try on her perfume. She let me read the romance books that she kept in her room …”
Still in Love
A Little Closer captures that enchanted feeling of love at first sight, expressively captured in this dreamy flight of a groove.
A Little Closer