“One!” is like a refreshing cup of green tea –organic and earthy —
with harp, world drumming, and lush vocal harmonies,
reflecting back images of our connection with all life.
Download a free, printable poster of “One!’ lyrics below. There are 2 versions below for your convenience: 8.5 x 11 letter size or size A4. (Right click on the picture, and select Save Image As.)

“‘One!’ is an experience! It is exquisite!
‘One!’ is THE song!”
Kelley Glover, Producer “U Better Sing” web/tv show, KLRU-Austin
Take harmony with you! – Buy “One!” song download from Amazon.com:
Humanity’s Team Canada recently used India Taylor’s song “One!’ as our theme song.
H. Layton, Leader, Humanity's Team CanadaPower your peace! Download this song from iTunes:
Stream on Spotify: