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India Taylor’s songs offer empowering, healing lyrics that support listeners’ intentions, dreams, and journey. Her lyrics, often mined from moments of self-therapy, benefit listeners by affirming their innate wisdom, personal freedom, and well being, restoring feelings of peace and courage.
“With positive affirmation songs, you can feel your well being very quickly because the lyrics focus the scattered attention of the mind, while the beat focuses the body on celebration. Then the emotions follow,” she explains.
India Taylor’s musical style is eclectic and includes influences such as pop, New Age meditative, Celtic, rock, and jazz. She is an expressive singer with a soothing voice. Awards include an Emerging Artist grant from Jim Beam Bourbon as well as winning the Future Charters and American Songwriter Magazine competitions.
India is a member of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce. Her positive lyrics and music are used for everyday inner peace, and also in many therapeutic situations by mental health professionals, massage therapists, rehab nurses, people undergoing cancer treatment and recovery, and more.

Austin, TX Musician Receives $2,250 Grant from Jim Beam Bourbon
(News release from Weber Shandwick Worldwide PR in Feb. 2001, after the release of India’s first album, “Mosaic.”) India Taylor has been selected to receive a $2,250 grant from the B.E.A.M. (Benefitting Emerging Artists in Music) program created by Jim Beam Bourbon. Taylor’s experience in the music industry goes beyond songwriting and performing. She has managed and promoted her solo career for fifteen years while receiving wonderful reviews for her unique, delicate vocals and poignant, honest lyrics.
Reviews of India Taylor’s rock/jazz album Mosaic:
“Lloyd Maines and John Inmon create a rich guitar sound which loans a touch of the Texas blues to the album. India’s vocals are impressive throughout … The playful “Frogs in Princes’ Clothing” and sexy vocals on “Thief in the Night” showcase the musical sophistication of which India is capable.”
Tera Avila“Vocal range … rivals Mariah Carey’s.”
Tanya Parker Morrison